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J Environ Manage ; 352: 120027, 2024 Feb 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38246102


The environment is a major issue for both society and industry. Stakeholder demands, environmental ethics and environmental awareness may all have a substantial impact on a company's environmental performance. In this research, we investigate the impact of stakeholders' pressures, environmental ethics, and environmental awareness on environmental performance, which is mediated through the concept of green innovation. A survey questionnaire is used in the study to gather information from 410 managers working in different Chinese manufacturing firms. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to assess the data and test the assumptions that have been put forward. According to the study's results, stakeholders' pressures in terms of regulatory pressures, customer pressures, and competitor pressures; environmental ethics, and environmental awareness all had a positive effect on both green product innovation and green process innovation, which in turn had a favorable impact on environmental performance. Moreover, both green product and process innovation partially mediated the link between stakeholders' pressures, environmental ethics, and environmental performance except in the case of environmental awareness. These findings provide light on the significance of stakeholder demands, environmental ethics, and environmental awareness in encouraging green innovation and increasing environmental performance.

Comercio , Industrias , Presión
J Prev Med Hyg ; 64(3): E340-E344, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38125987


Introduction: According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), in the last year cholera has re-emerged in various areas of the planet, particularly in Africa. The resurgence of this disease is closely linked to poor hygiene, which is sometimes the result of wars or environmental disasters, as in Lebanon and Syria since autumn 2022 and today in Libya. Discussion: The spread of cholera is chiefly caused by the presence of contaminated water, in environments with inadequate hygiene and sanitation. Another cause, however, is the lack of access to adequate vaccination and treatment campaigns. Method: In this short paper, the authors highlight the possibility of a resurgence of epidemic cholera in Libya, especially in light of the consequences of the devastating cyclone Daniel and the simultaneous collapse of two dams upstream of the city of Derna. They also highlight the concern that cholera and other infectious diseases may also spread in Morocco, which was hit by a severe earthquake on 8 September last. The focus of the paper is the awareness that the spread of epidemic diseases is very often linked to human actions, which may trigger or exacerbate the effects of natural disasters. Conclusions: Since these events have devastating effects both on the environment and on people and their psychophysical balance, it is evident that we need to devote greater attention to the health of the planet, to which the health and survival of the human species is strictly and inextricably linked. Indeed, disasters related to phenomena of anthropization facilitate the spread of infectious diseases, placing a heavy burden on local and global health organizations and the health of entire populations. A change of course is therefore essential, in that human actions must be aimed at limiting rather than aggravating the spread of diseases.

Cólera , Enfermedades Transmisibles , Terremotos , Humanos , Cólera/epidemiología , Cólera/terapia , Brotes de Enfermedades , Libia/epidemiología , África del Norte/epidemiología , Marruecos
New Bioeth ; 29(4): 352-362, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37262398


This article argues that environmental considerations fall within the scope of medical bioethics, and there are implications specific to medical education. It endorses the need to expand the scope and epistemology of contemporary medical bioethics discourse by including themes related to environmental considerations. Our discussion begins by providing a brief history of environmental bioethics. It then offers a critique of three specific health and environmental issues, namely technology, toxics, and consumption, and discusses how these issues are key to articulating moral considerations of human health and subsequently medicine and its teaching. Lastly, it explores criticisms of including environmental issues into the bioethical debate before providing suggestions of how environmental ethics can be included into the medical curriculum. This article concludes by suggesting theoretical possibilities for environmentally inclusive bioethics, such as reorienting bioethical discussions to its original environmental advocacy and supporting environmental bioethics as a competency in medical education.

Bioética , Medicina , Humanos , Bioética/educación , Curriculum , Principios Morales , Discusiones Bioéticas
Acta bioeth ; 29(1): 17-25, jun. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439071


Este artículo muestra que la experiencia acumulada por la Corte Suprema chilena en juicios sobre responsabilidad civil y ambiental, debiera permitirle abordar los problemas ético-ambientales y jurídicos que el calentamiento global implica, sea previniendo daños mediante la imposición a los principales emisores de gases de efecto invernadero, incluido el Estado, del deber de reducir acelerada y significativamente las emisiones, sea exigiendo y haciendo cumplir la obligación de adaptación al cambio climático mediante la atribución de responsabilidad extracontractual o ambiental.

This article shows that the experience accrued by the Chilean Supreme Court in lawsuits on tort and environmental liability, should allow it to address the ethical-environmental and legal issues that global warming implies, either by preventing harm through the imposition on the major emitters of greenhouse gases, including the State, of the duty to reduce emissions rapidly and significantly, or by demanding and enforcing the obligation to adapt to climate change through the attribution of tort liability or environmental liability.

Esse artigo mostra que a experiência acumulada pela Corte Suprema chilena em julgamentos sobre responsabilidade civil e ambiental, deveria permitir-lhe abordar os problemas ético-ambientais e jurídicos que o aquecimento global implica, seja prevenindo danos mediante a imposição aos principais emissores de gases de efeito estufa, incluindo o Estado, do dever de reduzir acelerada e significativamente as emissões, seja exigindo e fazendo cumprir a obrigação de adaptação à mudança climática mediante a atribuição de responsabilidade extracontratual ou ambiental.

Humanos , Chile
Conserv Biol ; 37(4): e14101, 2023 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37186384


Conservation science is a morally motivated field, with implicit and explicit values built into its practice. As such, conservationists must engage with conservation ethics to interrogate underlying values. We examine cutting-edge ecological science and contemporary ethics to revisit two conservation norms that have become dogmatic in the field: ecological collectives, but not individual animals, are valuable and anthropomorphism should be staunchly avoided. Emerging studies demonstrate that individuals and their intraspecific variation can be instrumentally valuable for conservation science, and there is an emerging consensus within environmental philosophy around the moral worth of individuals. Thus, we suggest conservation science should explicitly recognize the value of individuals. We also argue that avoiding anthropomorphism is detrimental to conservation because critical anthropomorphism enables a more nuanced scientific approach-allowing conservationists to ask enlightened questions with creativity and compassion. We provide evidence that both dogmatic norms are scientifically and morally outdated and propose new normative values to push conservation towards more robust science and ethical practice.

Revisión de dos dogmas de las ciencias de la conservación Resumen Las ciencias de la conservación son un campo con motivaciones morales y valores implícitos y explícitos integrados en su práctica. Por lo tanto, los conservacionistas deben trabajar con la ética de la conservación para interrogar los valores subyacentes. Analizamos la ecología de vanguardia y la ética contemporánea para revisar dos normas que se han convertido en dogmas dentro del campo: los colectivos ecológicos, pero no los animales individuales, son valiosos y el antropomorfismo debe evitarse a toda costa. Los estudios emergentes demuestran que los individuos y sus variaciones intraespecíficas pueden tener un valor instrumental para las ciencias de la conservación y que existe un consenso emergente dentro de la filosofía ambiental en torno al valor moral de los individuos. Por lo tanto, sugerimos que las ciencias de la conservación deberían reconocer de forma explícita el valor de los individuos. También discutimos que evitar el antropomorfismo daña a la conservación pues el antropomorfismo crítico permite una estrategia científica más matizada-lo que permite que los conservacionistas hagan preguntas informadas con creatividad y compasión. Proporcionamos evidencias de que ambos dogmas son científica y moralmente obsoletos y proponemos nuevos valores normativos para guiar a la conservación hacia una ciencia más sólida y una práctica más ética.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Principios Morales , Animales
Humanidad. med ; 23(1)abr. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506380


En la formación ético-ambiental se requiere del desarrollo de acciones dirigidas a lograr una actitud consciente y valorativa, en función de una gestión sostenible de la vida en el planeta. El objetivo del trabajo es exponer los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación de una estrategia para la formación ético-ambiental del estudiante universitario, mediante un pre-experimento pedagógico. Se aplicaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y matemático-estadísticos, los cuales permitieron sistematizar la información proveniente de la bibliografía consultada, evaluar comportamientos y actitudes manifiestas por los estudiantes, así como los logros obtenidos después de aplicada la propuesta. El aporte fundamental de este artículo radica en valorar los resultados de la implementación de dicha estrategia en la práctica educativa, dentro de estos se destacan: el desarrollo de un comportamiento ético-reflexivo y una actitud para perfeccionar posiciones propias ante la multiplicidad de ámbitos de su actuación profesional, como parte de la implicación protagónica en la conservación del medio ambiente. El estudio se realizó en la carrera de Biología de la universidad de Camagüey en la etapa comprendida entre abril del 2018 y mayo de 2020.

Ethical-environmental training requires the development of actions aimed at achieving a conscious and evaluative attitude based on sustainable management of life on the planet. The objective of the work is to assess the effectiveness of the strategy for the ethical-environmental training of the university student, through a pedagogical pre-experiment. Theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical methods were applied, which allowed systematizing the information from the bibliography consulted, evaluating behaviors and attitudes manifested by the students, as well as the results obtained after applying the proposal. The fundamental contribution of this article lies in assessing the results of the implementation of said strategy in educational practice, within these the following stand out: the development of an ethical-reflexive behavior and an attitude to perfect their own positions before the multiplicity of areas of their professional action, as part of the protagonist involvement in the conservation of the environment. The study was carried out in the career of Biology of the university of Camagüey in the stage understood between April of the 2018 and May of 2020.

Ann Rev Mar Sci ; 15: 41-66, 2023 01 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35850491


Ocean carbon dioxide removal (OCDR) is rapidly attracting interest, as climate change is putting ecosystems at risk and endangering human communities globally. Due to the centrality of the ocean in the global carbon cycle, augmenting the carbon sequestration capacity of the ocean could be a powerful mechanism for the removal of legacy excess emissions. However, OCDR requires careful assessment due to the unique biophysical characteristics of the ocean and its centrality in the Earth system and many social systems. Using a sociotechnical system lens, this review identifies the sets of considerations that need to be included within robust assessments for OCDR decision-making. Specifically, it lays out the state of technical assessments of OCDR approaches along with key financial concerns, social issues (including public perceptions), and the underlying ethical debates and concerns that would need to be addressed if OCDR were to be deployed as a carbon dioxide removal strategy.

Dióxido de Carbono , Ecosistema , Humanos , Dióxido de Carbono/análisis , Cambio Climático , Secuestro de Carbono , Océanos y Mares
Anim Welf ; 32: e43, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38487425


Philosophers have used thought experiments to examine contentious examples of genetic modification. We hypothesised that these examples would prove useful in provoking responses from lay participants concerning technological interventions used to address welfare concerns. We asked 747 US and Canadian citizens to respond to two scenarios based on these thought experiments: genetically modifying chickens to produce blind progeny that are less likely to engage in feather-pecking (BC); and genetically modifying animals to create progeny that do not experience any subjective state (i.e. incapable of experiencing pain or fear; IA). For contrast, we assessed a third scenario that also resulted in the production of animal protein with no risk of suffering but did not involve genetically modifying animals: the development of cultured meat (CM). Participants indicated on a seven-point scale how acceptable they considered the technology (1 = very wrong to do; 7 = very right to do), and provided a text-based, open-ended explanation of their response. The creation of cultured meat was judged more acceptable than the creation of blind chickens and insentient animals. Qualitative responses indicated that some participants accepted the constraints imposed by the thought experiment, for example, by accepting perceived harms of the technology to achieve perceived benefits in reducing animal suffering. Others expressed discomfort with such trade-offs, advocating for other approaches to reducing harm. We conclude that people vary in their acceptance of interventions within existing systems, with some calling for transformational change.

J Prev Med Hyg ; 64(4): E493-E498, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38379737


Recent years have seen increasingly severe natural disasters, the consequences of which have been catastrophic. Clearly, our global environment is undergoing major changes. The climate is becoming deranged and pollution on a global scale afflicts air, water, and land. We are faced with an unprecedented shortage of cultivable land and fresh water for drinking, irrigation, and livestock farming, while our marine systems are breaking down. These environmental changes have a very high anthropogenic component; they are induced by human activities that are potentially dangerous for both the environment and human life. Moreover, not only do they have an enormous impact on the environments in which we live and on our way of life, they also have harmful effects on our health. Indeed, we must understand that our body - as Hippocrates explained long ago - is a system that constantly interacts with the surrounding environment.

Cambio Climático , Planetas , Humanos , Contaminación Ambiental , Agricultura
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1403138


Antecedentes: Hasta el momento actual, el abordaje bioético de los cuidados materno-perinatales se proyecta desde la visión integral de la salud bio - psico - social, la perspectiva de derechos humanos y el enfoque de género. En general, no se ha incorporado a los cuidados materno-perinatales la bioética ambiental, que surge de la perspectiva de la salud ambiental; integrando la ética global, la perspectiva de la consiliencia, el derecho al ambiente saludable y la ética ambiental. La actual situación de crisis global por la combinación de la Pandemia COVID 19 y la Sindemia Global, que caracterizaremos como Pan-sindemia, incrementa los riesgos y daños en el proceso reproductivo, sobre todo en las poblaciones vulneradas en sus derechos. Justificación: Es necesario minimizar el efecto de la Pan-sindemia en el proceso reproductivo. En la agenda global, la humanidad debe revertir las causas que provocan la Pan-sindemia. Mientras tanto, los profesionales y equipos de salud deben reformular su rol a la hora de los cuidados materno-perinatales, incorporando a la clínica el derecho a un ambiente saludable para la reproducción. Perspectivas: Las modificaciones en la práctica clínica de los equipos de salud sexual y reproductiva deben orientarse a: - incorporar la bioética ambiental a los cuidados materno-perinatales desde la formación hasta la práctica clínica - desarrollar un abordaje integral de los grandes síndromes obstétricos perinatales, la prematurez y la restricción de crecimiento, para minimizar el impacto de la Pan-sindemia en el proceso reproductivo humano.

Background: Until now, the bioethical approach to maternal perinatal care is projected from the integral vision of bio-psycho-social health, the perspective of Human Rights and the gender perspective. In general, environmental bioethics, which arises from the perspective of environmental health has not been incorporated into maternal-perinatal care with global ethics, the perspective of consilience, the right to a healthy environment and environmental ethics. The current global crisis situation due to the combination of the COVID 19 Pandemic and the Global Syndemic, characterized as Pan Syndemic, increases the risks and damages in the reproductive process, especially in populations violated in their rights. Justification: It is necessary to minimize the effect of the Pan Syndemic on the human reproductive process. On the global agenda, humanity must reverse the causes of the Pan Syndemic. Meanwhile, health professionals and teams must reformulate their role when it comes to maternal-perinatal care, incorporating into the clinic the right to a healthy environment for reproduction. Perspectives: Modifications in the clinical practice of sexual and reproductive health teams should be aimed at: incorporate environmental bioethics into maternal perinatal care from training to clinical practice; develop a comprehensive approach to major perinatal obstetric syndromes, prematurity and fetal growth restriction, to minimize the impact of the Pan Syndemic on the human reproductive process.

Até o momento, a abordagem bioética da atenção materna perinatal se projeta a partir da visão integral da saúde biopsicossocial, da perspectiva dos direitos humanos e da perspectiva de gênero. De modo geral, a bioética ambiental não foi incorporada à assistência materno-perinatal que surge na perspectiva da saúde ambiental; integrando a ética global, a perspectiva da consiliência, o direito ao ambiente saudável e a ética ambiental. A atual situação de crise global devido à combinação da Pandemia COVID 19 e da Sindemia Global, que caracterizaremos como Pan-sindêmica, aumenta os riscos e danos no processo reprodutivo, especialmente em populações cujos direitos são violados. Justificação: É necessário minimizar o efeito da Pan-sindemia no processo reprodutivo. Na agenda global, a humanidade deve reverter as causas que causam a Pan-sindemia. Nesse ínterim, os profissionais e equipes de saúde devem reformular seu papel no que se refere à assistência materno-perinatal, incorporando à clínica o direito a um ambiente saudável para a reprodução. Panorama: As modificações na prática clínica das equipes de saúde sexual e reprodutiva devem ter como objetivo: - incorporar a bioética ambiental ao cuidado perinatal materno, desde o treinamento até a prática clínica - desenvolver uma abordagem abrangente para as principais síndromes obstétricas perinatais, prematuridade e restrição de crescimento, para minimizar o impacto da Pan-sindemia no processo reprodutivo humano.

Humanos , Servicios de Salud Materno-Infantil/ética , Pandemias , Salud Reproductiva/ética , Sindémico
Sci Eng Ethics ; 28(6): 46, 2022 10 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36287253


The biosphere represents the global sum of all ecosystems. According to a prominent view in environmental ethics, ecocentrism, these ecosystems matter for their own sake, and not only because they contribute to human ends. As such, some ecocentrists are critical of the modern industrial civilization, and a few even argue that an irreversible collapse of the modern industrial civilization would be a good thing. However, taking a longer view and considering the eventual destruction of the biosphere by astronomical processes, we argue that humans, a species with considerable technological know-how and industrial capacity could intervene to extend the lifespan of Earth's biosphere, perhaps by several billion years. We argue that human civilization, despite its flaws and harmful impacts on many ecosystems, is the biosphere's best hope of avoiding premature destruction. We argue that proponents of ecocentrism, even those who wholly disregard anthropocentric values, have a strong moral reason preserve the modern industrial civilization, for as long as needed to ensure biosphere survival.

Ecosistema , Esperanza de Vida , Humanos
Front Psychol ; 13: 832895, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35967646


Objective: The main purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of green product and process innovation on the competitive advantages of the Chinese automobile industry during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This study also examined the mediating role of corporate environmental ethics (CEE) and the moderating role of corporate environmental management in the relationship between the green product and process innovation on the competitive advantages of the Chinese automobile industry during COVID-19. Methods: This study used a quantitative approach of research with the cross-sectional method for the collection of data. This study also used purposive sampling for the collection of data from the production managers of the automobile industry of China. The structural equation modeling-partial least squares (SEM-PLS) is used to analyze the data. Results: The results of direct effects indicated that green product innovation has a significant and positive effect on the corporate advantages (ß = 0.294, t = 2.868) and green process innovation also has a significant and positive effect on the corporate advantages (ß = 0.350, t = 3.276). Moreover, green product innovation has also a significant effect on corporate advantages (ß = 0.334, t = 4.258) and green product innovation has also a significant effect on corporate advantages (ß = 0.269, t = 3.202). Significance: The research in this domain about the antecedents of green innovation is still minimal in the previous literature. One of the antecedents of the green innovation, corporate environmental ethics is discussed in this study; thus, it provides the understanding of green innovation as the mediator which would mediate the relationship between corporate environmental ethics and competitive advantage in the auto manufacturing industry of China. Novelty: This study is among very few to examine the relationship between green innovation, corporate environmental ethics, corporate environmental management, and competitive advantages of the Chinese automobile industry during COVID-19.

Hastings Cent Rep ; 52(4): 2, 2022 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35993101


In the Hastings Center Report's July-August 2022 issue, articles by Jessica Amalraj and Kavita Shah Arora and by Inmaculada de Melo-Martín take up very different concerns under the broad topic of reproductive ethics and public policy. Amalraj and Arora call for public deliberation and consensus building to revise a Medicaid sterilization policy, and de Melo-Martín argues that social resources should not be used to support reproductive embryo editing but should instead be put toward pre- and postnatal interventions that, compared to embryonic genome editing, can help far more people have children who are healthy and genetically related to them. The third article, by Bryan Sisk and James M. DuBois, offers a framework to guide clinicians in their everyday communication with patients and their family members. Elsewhere in the issue are arguments about the responsibilities health care organizations have to address large societal problems affecting well-being.

Familia , Política Pública , Niño , Humanos , Estados Unidos
Sci Eng Ethics ; 28(5): 38, 2022 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36040561


To be intrinsically valuable means to be valuable for its own sake. Moral philosophy is often ethically anthropocentric, meaning that it locates intrinsic value within humans. This paper rejects ethical anthropocentrism and asks, in what ways might nonhumans be intrinsically valuable? The paper answers this question with a wide-ranging survey of theories of nonhuman intrinsic value. The survey includes both moral subjects and moral objects, and both natural and artificial nonhumans. Literatures from environmental ethics, philosophy of technology, philosophy of art, moral psychology, and related fields are reviewed, and gaps in these literatures are identified. Although the gaps are significant and much work remains to be done, the survey nonetheless demonstrates that those who reject ethical anthropocentrism have considerable resources available to develop their moral views. Given the many very high-stakes issues involving both natural and artificial nonhumans, and the sensitivity of these issues to how nonhumans are intrinsically valued, this is a vital project to pursue.

Principios Morales , Filosofía , Humanos
Animals (Basel) ; 12(14)2022 Jul 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35883391


Zoonoses are diseases transmitted from (vertebrate) animals to humans in the environment. The control and prevention of these diseases require an appropriate way to measure health value for prudent and well-balanced decisions in public health, production costs, and market values. Currently, the impact of diseases and animal disease control measures are typically assessed in monetary values, thus lacking consideration of other values such as emotional, societal, ecological, among others. Therefore, a framework is proposed that aims to explore, understand, and open up a conversation about the non-monetary value of animals through environmental and normative ethics. This method might help us complement the existing metrics in health, which are currently DALY and zDALY, adding more comprehensive values for animal and human health to the "One Health" approach. As an example of this framework application, participants can choose what they are willing to give in exchange for curing an animal in hypothetical scenarios selecting a human health condition to suffer, the amount of money, and lifetime as a tradeoff. Considering animals beyond their monetary value in public health decisions might contribute to a more rigorous assessment of the burden of zoonotic diseases, among other health decisions. This study is structured as follows: after a brief introduction of zoonoses, animal health, and health metrics, briefly, different environmental health perspectives are presented. Based on this, a framework for animal health decisions is proposed. This framework introduces the "anthropozoocentric interface" based on anthropocentrism and zoocentrism perspectives.

Endeavour ; 46(1-2): 100814, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35697549


Recent research about the microbiome points to a picture in which we, humans, are 'living through' nature, and nature itself is living in us. Our bodies are hosting-and depend on-the multiple species that constitute human microbiota. This article will discuss current research on the microbiome through the ideas of Japanese ecologist Imanishi Kinji (1902-1992). First, some of Imanishi's key ideas regarding the world of living beings and multispecies societies are presented. Second, seven types of relationships concerning the human microbiome, human beings, and the environment are explored. Third, inspired by Imanishi's work, this paper develops the idea of dynamic, porous, and complex multispecies societies in which different living beings or species are codependent on others, including microbiota and human beings.

Microbiota , Investigación , Humanos , Investigación/clasificación , Investigación/tendencias
Conserv Biol ; 36(5): e13931, 2022 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35561048


Approaches, values, and perceptions in invasion science are highly dynamic, and like in other disciplines, views among different people can diverge. This has led to debate in the field specifically surrounding the core themes of values, management, impacts, and terminology. Considering these debates, we surveyed 698 scientists and practitioners globally to assess levels of polarization (opposing views) on core and contentious topics. The survey was distributed online (via Google Forms) and promoted through listservs and social media. Although there were generally high levels of consensus among respondents, there was some polarization (scores of ≥0.39 [top quartile]). Relating to values, there was high polarization regarding claims of invasive species denialism, whether invasive species contribute to biodiversity, and how biodiversity reporting should be conducted. With regard to management, there were polarized views on banning the commercial use of beneficial invasive species, the extent to which stakeholders' perceptions should influence management, whether invasive species use alone is an appropriate control strategy, and whether eradication of invasive plants is possible. For impacts, there was high polarization concerning whether invasive species drive or are a side effect of degradation and whether invasive species benefits are understated. For terminology, polarized views related to defining invasive species based only on spread, whether species can be labeled as invasive in their native ranges, and whether language used is too xenophobic. Factor and regression analysis revealed that views were particularly divergent between people working on different invasive taxa (plants and mammals) and in different disciplines (between biologists and social scientists), between academics and practitioners, and between world regions (between Africa and the Global North). Unlike in other studies, age and gender had a limited influence on response patterns. Better integration globally and between disciplines, taxa, and sectors (e.g., academic vs. practitioners) could help build broader understanding and consensus.

Los enfoques, valores y percepciones en el campo de las invasiones biológicas son muy dinámicos, y como en otras disciplinas científicas, los expertos pueden tener distintas opiniones. Esto ha creado debates, especialmente sobre temas relacionados con valores, gestión, impactos y terminología. Considerando estos debates, encuestamos a 698 científicos y gestores de todo el mundo para evaluar sus niveles de polarización (opiniones opuestas) sobre una serie de temas fundamentales y polémicos. La encuesta fue distribuida a través de internet (a través de Google Forms) y promovida por medio de listas de correo electrónico y redes sociales. Aunque, en general, hubo consenso entre los encuestados, hubo cierta polarización (puntuaciones de ≥ 0.39 [cuartil más alto]). En relación con valores, hubo una gran polarización sobre aquellas declaraciones relacionadas con el negacionismo de especies invasoras, si las especies invasoras contribuyen a aumentar la biodiversidad y cómo se deberían llevar a cabo los informes sobre biodiversidad. En relación con la gestión, hubo opiniones polarizadas sobre la prohibición del uso comercial de especies invasoras beneficiosas, si la opinión de las partes interesadas debería influir en la gestión, si el uso de especies invasoras por sí solo es una estrategia de control adecuada y si la erradicación de plantas invasoras es factible. En cuanto a impactos, hubo gran polarización en cuanto a sí las especies invasoras conducen a o son un efecto lateral de la degradación de ecosistemas y ssi los beneficios de las especies invasoras están subestimados. En cuanto a terminología, encontramos opiniones polarizadas relacionadas con definir especies invasoras exclusivamente en base a su expansión, si las especies se pueden considerar invasoras en sus rangos de distribución nativos y si el lenguaje utilizado en el campo de las invasiones biológicas es xenofóbico. Los análisis factoriales y de regresión revelaron que las opiniones de los expertos encuestados fueron particularmente divergentes entre personas que trabajan con diferentes taxones (plantas y mamíferos) en diferentes disciplinas (entre biólogos y sociólogos), entre científicos y gestores y entre regiones del mundo (entre países de África y del hemisferio Norte). A diferencia de otros estudios, la edad y el género tuvieron una influencia limitada sobre lass respuestas obtenidas. Una mejor integración global y entre disciplinas, taxones y sectores (o. e., investigadores vs. gestores) podría contribuir a alcanzar un mayor entendimiento y consenso.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Especies Introducidas , Animales , Biodiversidad , Consenso , Humanos , Mamíferos , Plantas
Conserv Biol ; 36(1): e13760, 2022 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34057240


Compassionate conservation holds that compassion should transform conservation. It has prompted heated debate and has been criticized strongly. We reviewed the debate to characterize compassionate conservation and to philosophically analyze critiques that are recurring and that warrant further critical attention. The necessary elements of compassionate conservation relate to the moral value of sentient animals and conservation and to science and conservation practice. Although compassionate conservation has several nontraditional necessary conditions, it also importantly allows a degree of pluralism in values and scientific judgment regarding animals and conservation practice. We identified 52 specific criticisms from 11 articles that directly critique compassionate conservation. We closely examined 33 of these because they recurred regularly or included substantial questions that required further response. Critics criticized compassionate conservation's ethical foundations, scientific credentials, clarity of application, understanding of compassion, its alleged threat to conservation and biodiversity. Some criticisms, we found, are question begging, confused, or overlook conceptual complexity. These criticisms raise questions for critics and proponents, regarding, for example, equal versus differential intrinsic moral value of different sentient animals (including humans), problems of natural and human-caused suffering of wild animals and predation, and the acceptability of specific conservation practices within compassionate conservation. By addressing recurring and faulty critiques of compassionate conservation and identifying issues for compassionate conservation to address, this review provides a clearer basis for crucial ongoing interdisciplinary dialogue about ethics, values, and conservation.

Una Revisión Crítica del Debate sobre la Conservación Compasiva Resumen La conservación compasiva sostiene que la compasión debería transformar la conservación. Esta idea ha impulsado un debate acalorado y ha sido criticada fuertemente. Revisamos el debate para caracterizar la conservación compasiva y para analizar filosóficamente las críticas recurrentes y que ameritan una mayor atención crítica. Los elementos necesarios de la conservación compasiva están relacionados con el valor moral de los animales sensibles y de la conservación y con la ciencia y la práctica de la conservación. Aunque la conservación compasiva tiene varias condiciones no tradicionales necesarias, también permite de manera muy importante un cierto grado de pluralismo en los valores y el juicio científico con respecto a los animales y a la práctica de la conservación. Identificamos 52 críticas específicas en once artículos que criticaban directamente a la conservación compasiva. Analizamos minuciosamente 33 de estas críticas porque aparecieron regularmente o porque incluían preguntas sustanciales que requerían de una respuesta más profunda. Las críticas se centraban en las razones éticas de la conservación compasiva, sus credenciales científicas, la claridad de su aplicación, el entendimiento del concepto compasión y su presunta amenaza para la conservación y la biodiversidad. Notamos que algunas críticas dejan preguntas pendientes, son confusas o ignoran la complejidad conceptual. Estas críticas generan preguntas para los críticos y para los partidarios de la conservación compasiva con respecto al valor moral intrínseco igual o diferencial de distintos animales sensibles (incluyendo a los humanos), problemas relacionados con el sufrimiento natural y causado por humanos y con la depredación que sufren los animales silvestres y la aceptabilidad de prácticas específicas de conservación dentro de la conservación compasiva. Con la identificación de las críticas recurrentes y fallidas que se le hacen a la conservación compasiva y los temas que ésta debe abordar, esta revisión proporciona una base más clara para el importante diálogo interdisciplinario que existe sobre la ética, los valores y la conservación.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Empatía , Animales , Animales Salvajes , Biodiversidad , Principios Morales
J Med Ethics ; 48(5): 334-337, 2022 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33853877


The US healthcare industry emits an estimated 479 million tonnes of carbon dioxide each year; nearly 8% of the country's total emissions. When assessed by sector, hospital care, clinical services, medical structures, and pharmaceuticals are the top emitters. For 15 years, research has been dedicated to the medical structures and equipment that contribute to carbon emissions. More recently, hospital care and clinical services have been examined. However, the carbon of pharmaceuticals is understudied. This article will focus on the carbon emissions of pharmaceuticals since they are consistently calculated to be among the top contributors to healthcare carbon and assess the factors that contribute to pharmaceutical carbon emissions. Specifically, overprescription, pharmaceutical waste, antibiotic resistance, routine prescriptions, non-adherence, drug dependency, lifestyle prescriptions, and drugs given due to a lack of preventive healthcare will be identified. Prescribing practices have environmental ramifications. Carbon reduction, when focused on pharmaceuticals, can lead to cleaner, more sustainable healthcare.

Dióxido de Carbono , Huella de Carbono , Atención a la Salud , Sector de Atención de Salud , Humanos , Preparaciones Farmacéuticas